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Youth Suicide in Turkey: Understanding Youth Suicides and Fostering Hope for a Better World

The Istanbul Youth Research Center, with the support of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Association (FES) Turkey, conducted research on youth suicides. As a result of this research, the center released the report on Youth Suicides in Turkey along with Policy Recommendations on December 18, 2023, in Istanbul.

Led by Prof. Dr. Demet Lüküslü and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özlem Avcı Aksoy, this report delves into the issue of youth suicides in Turkey, aiming to draw attention to the development and implementation of youth policies focused on improving the well-being of young people. Youth suicides represent the cries of young people facing the symptoms of a historical period of multiple crises. The Istanbul Youth Research Center underscores the importance of heeding these cries, comprehending and taking this phenomenon seriously. Let's acknowledge the complexity of the problem and initiate discussions with all public and political actors, particularly involving young people, to find solutions to the societal issues leading to youth suicides – this stands as the primary objective of this report.

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Policy Recommendations: What Should We Do to Prevent Youth Suicides?

Within the recommendations booklet accompanying the research report, we endeavored to offer guidance to civil society, educational institutions, public entities, and political parties. The primary aim of our report and research is to bolster and expand collective deliberation processes concerning these suggestions, ultimately translating them into actionable measures.

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December 2023

Istanbul Youth Research Center



İstanbul Gençlik Araştırmaları Merkezi

İstiklal Cad. Aznavur Pasajı No: 108 Kat: 6 Beyoğlu / İstanbul, Türkiye

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