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Young People, Radical Democracy and Community Development

The collection titled "Young People, Radical Democracy and Community Development" (edited by Janet Batsleer, Harriet Rowley, and Demet Lüküslü), was published by Bristol University Press in 2022.

A remarkable review of the book was recently published by Jamie Gorman in the Community Development Journal in 2024.

An excerpt from the review:

"A contribution to the Policy Press 'Rethinking Community Development' series, this collection presents a diversity of voices exploring young people’s democratic practices in eight countries and across a wide range of issues. The book addresses several key themes for radical democracy including citizenship, activism and hope, as well exploring important movements such as Black Lives Matter and ecojustice.

How are we to understand young people’s struggles for autonomy, agency and participation in a world where they are denied full participation in civic life? In their introductory chapter, Janet Batsleer, Harriet Rowley and Demet Lüküslü employ a Bordieusian lens to theorize the symbolic violence of adultism, which imposes a state of exception on young people where their agency and autonomy is limited and their full citizenship is denied.” 

To learn more about the book content and contributors, you can visit the website of Bristol University Press: 



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