Duration: January 2022 to January 2023

Cihan Erdal, the Founding Director, and Coordinator of Istanbul Youth Research Center, along with Dr. Öndercan Muti, were awarded the Hrant Dink Foundation History and Memory Research Incentive Fund for their research project titled Understanding the January 19 Generation.
The framework of the History Research Incentive Fund, which was launched in 2010 through the initiative and contributions of Dr. Alper Öktem, a supporter of the Hrant Dink Foundation, was expanded and updated in 2013 as the 'History and Memory Research Incentive Fund.' The research conducted under this fund encompasses conscientious behaviors demonstrated in 1915, which can be considered as early human rights advocacy in today's understanding, as well as the contemporary reflections of the humanitarian dimensions of those events, the impact they left on subsequent generations, and the various forms of remembrance. The Fund, which aims to encourage scientific studies in this direction, received additional support from Harry Parsekian in 2017.
The 2021 jury of the History and Memory Research Incentive Fund, consisting of Hülya Adak (Sabancı University), Ayşe Gül Altınay (Sabancı University), Ayfer Bartu Candan (Boğaziçi University), Valentina Calzolari (Université de Genève), Deniz Kandiyoti (University of London), Raymond Kévorkian (Université Paris-VIII), Kerem Öktem (University of Venice), and Arus Yumul (Istanbul Bilgi University), decided to support four research projects among the applicants. Cihan Erdal and Öndercan Muti's project titled "Understanding the January 19 Generation" was one of the four studies that received support this year.