Diverse Youth (Sub)Cultures, Daily Practices, and Minority Experiences
The research unit, titled "Diverse Youth (Sub)Cultures, Daily Life Practices, and Minority Youth," is committed to studying the social and cultural lives of young individuals from various identity, class, and biographical backgrounds, each belonging to distinct social groups and generations.
The work of the research unit encompasses a wide range of topics, including:
Youth Subcultures: We delve into youth subcultures that emerge from diverse contexts, such as class, music genres, everyday spaces, and political perspectives.
Arts Engagement and Cultural Production: Our unit investigates youth involvement in various forms of cultural production, such as literary magazines, comics, humor magazines, and dance.
Youth and Media: We study the relationship between young people and media, examining its influence on their lives.
Prolongation of Youth: Our research addresses the prolonged period of youth and the implications it has on young individuals.
Peer Relationships and Violence: We explore the dynamics of peer relationships among young people, including experiences of peer violence.
Generational Experiences: Our unit examines the unique experiences of different generations and how they impact intergenerational communication and conflict.
Ageism and Gerontocracy: We focus on the challenges young people face due to ageism and gerontocracy within society.
Sexuality in Youth Culture: Our research delves into how sexuality is perceived, experienced, and expressed within youth culture.
Alternative Sports, Health, and Food Culture: We study the experiences of young people involved in alternative sports, health practices, and food culture.
Construction of Self and Identity: Our research explores the construction of self and identity during adolescence.
Rural Youth and Young Farmers: We investigate the experiences of rural youth and young individuals engaged in farming.
Youth in the Military: Our unit examines the experiences of young people in the military and their struggles for the right to conscientious objection to military service.
Moreover, the research unit places a strong emphasis on understanding the experiences of marginalized youth based on their race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious affiliation, and health status. We investigate the various mechanisms of exclusion, domination, and oppression that lead to symbolic and/or physical violence against these young individuals. Additionally, we focus on young individuals, such as women, LGBTI+ individuals, immigrants, youth with disabilities, racialized youth, and those from ethnic and religious minorities, who develop daily, cultural, and political strategies to combat inequalities and injustices. By exploring these diverse aspects, our research unit seeks to identify obstacles and opportunities for building a democratic, equal, and just society that genuinely reflects the life experiences and perspectives of young people.